

“ 科学研究”



● 团队介绍

      学术研究方面。近年来,课题组先后承担了国家自然科学基金青年项目“信号灯控制交叉口事故致因分析与安全评价方法研究(批准号:51008230)”、国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目“组合线形优化设计(批准号:51522810)”、“十二五”国家科技支撑计划“重点驾驶人交通行为分析技术及系统开发(批准号:014BAG01B03)”子课题等国家级项目、教育部高等学校博士学科点新教师专项科研基金项目“基于贝叶斯方法的城市信控交叉口安全分析理论研究(批准号:20090072120016)”、司法部司法鉴定科学技术研究所项目“吸毒影响驾驶能力及毒驾认定的研究”、上海市科学技术委员会项目“上海市道路交通安全分析预警决策支持与事故主动管控技术研究(批准号:15DZ1204800)”、上海市城乡建设和交通发展研究院项目“基于多源数据的上海市城市快速路安全分析与判别”、上海市人大常委会项目“上海市城市道路交通安全专题调研”、公安部交通管理科学研究所项目“基于驾驶模拟技术的道路安全性评估方法”等省部级项目以及通用汽车中国研究院项目“Pilot Naturalistic Driving Study in China”、彭博慈善基金会项目”上海道路安全行动”、Volvo Group Trucks Technology 项目“Behavioural Based Safety Services and Accident Causation Analysis”、Together for Safer Roads - Safer Roads Challenge Recipient项目“Shanghai Road Traffic Safety Action Plan”,BMW China Service Ltd.项目 “Traffic Safety Analysis for ADAS Functional Design” 等国际合作项目,研究发表学术论文200多篇。
      教学及人才培养方面。课题组教师主讲 “交通安全工程”、 “交通安全分析与实验”、“城市与交通数据及信息分析方法“等专业课程。

● 获奖

1. 入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划” 2011
2. 第十届交通运输领域华人学者国际会议优秀论文 2010
3. 入选上海市“浦江归国留学人才计划” 2009
4. Emerging Leadership, 中国旅美交通协会 (NACOTA),美国 2007
5. 中佛罗里达大学土木工程系2013最佳博士论文奖,美国,2013
6. 交通研究委员会(TRB)ANB20 2012 青年学者论文奖,美国,2012
7. 亚太区三井住友社会福利与交通安全研究基金,2015

● 论文

1. Xuesong Wang*, Ting Wang, Andrew Tarko, Paul Tremont. The influence of combined alignments on lateral acceleration on mountainous freeways: a driving simulator study. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 76, Pages 110-117, March 2015. (SSCI)
2. Kun Xie, Xuesong Wang, Kaan Ozbay, Hong Yang. Crash frequency modeling for signalized intersections in a high-density urban road network. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, Volume 2, Pages 39–51, April 2014. (SCI)
3. Xuesong Wang, Yang Song, Rongjie Yu, Grant Schultz. Safety Analysis of Suburban Arterials in Shanghai. Accident Analysis and Prevention. Volume 70, Pages 215-224, September 2014. (EI,SSCI)
4. Xuesong Wang*, Haobing Liu, Rongjie Yu, Bing Deng, Xiaohong Chen, Bing Wu.  Exploring Operating Speeds on Urban Arterials Using Floating Car Data: Case Study in Shanghai, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume 140, Issue 9, 04014044, September 2014. (SCI, EI)
5. Xuesong Wang*, Kun Xie, Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Xiaohong Chen, Paul J. Tremont. Systematic Approach to Hazardous-Intersection Identification and Countermeasure Development. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 140, No. 6, 04014022, June 2014 (SCI, EI)
6. Rongjie Yu*, Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Mohamed Ahmed, Xuesong Wang. Utilizing Microscopic Traffic and Weather Data to Analyze Real-Time Crash Patterns in the Context of Active Traffic Management. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 15, No. 1, pp.205-213, Feb 2014. (SCI, EI)
7. Xuesong Wang*, Xingwei Wu, Paul Tremont, Mohamed Abdel-Aty. Investigation of Road Network Features and Safety Performance. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 56, pp.22-31, 2013. (SSCI, EI)
8. Kun Xie, Xuesong Wang*, Xiaohong Chen, Helai Huang. Corridor-Level Signalized Intersection Safety Analysis in Shanghai‚ China Using Bayesian Hierarchical Models, Accident Analysis and Prevention , Volume 50, pp.25-33, 2013. (SSCI, EI)
9. Xuesong Wang*, Yu Jin, Paul Tremont, Mohamed Abdel-Aty. Macro Level Model Development for Safety Assessment of Road Network Structures. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2280, pp.100-109, 2012. (SCI, EI).
10. Xuesong Wang*, Yilun Xu, Paul Tremont, Dongyuan Yang. Moped Rider Violation Behaviors and Moped Safety in China (Paper No. 12-2935). In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2281, pp. 83-91, 2012. (SCI, EI).
11. Yuanyuan Zhang, Xuesong Wang, Peng Zeng, Xiaohong Chen*. Centrality Characteristics of Traffic Analysis Zone Road Network Patterns. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2256, pp. 16-24, 2011. (SCI, EI).
12. Mohamed Abdel-Aty*, Chowdhury Siddiqui, Helai Huang, Xuesong Wang. Integrating Trip And Roadway Characteristics toManaging Safety inTraffic Analysis Zones, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2213, pp. 20-28, 2011. (SCI, EI).
13. Feng Guo*, Xuesong Wang, Mohamed Abdel-Aty. Modeling Signalized Intersection Safety with Corridor Level Spatial Correlations. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 42, Issue 1, pp. 84-92, 2010. (SSCI, EI)
14. Ming Ma, Xinping Yan, Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Helai Huang*, Xuesong Wang. Safety Analysis of Urban Arterials Under Mixed-Traffic Patterns in Beijing. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2193, pp.105-115, 2010. (SCI, EI)
15. Xuesong Wang*, Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Ana Maria Almonte, Ali Lotfi Darwiche. Incorporating Traffic Operation Measures in Safety Analysis at Signalized Intersections. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2103, pp. 98-107, 2009. (SCI, EI)
16. Alexis Nevarez*, Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Xuesong Wang, Joseph Santos. Multi-level Analysis of Severe Crashes along Arterials Including the Effect of Road Entity and Collision Type. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 203-223, 2009.
17. Mohamed Abdel-Aty*, Xuesong Wang, Joseph Santos. Identifying Intersection Related Traffic Crashes for Accurate Safety Representation. ITE Journal, Vol. 79 (12), pp.38-44, December 2009. (SCI, EI)
18. Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Xuedong Yan*, Essam Radwan, Xuesong Wang. Using Drivers' Stop/Go Decisions in Driving Simulator to Assess Rear-End Crash Risk at Signalized Intersections. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 85-100, 2009.
19. Xuesong Wang*, Mohamed Abdel-Aty. Analysis of left-turn crash injury severity by conflicting pattern using partial proportional odds models. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 40, Issue 5, pp. 1674-1682, 2008. (SSCI, EI)
20. Xuesong Wang*, Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Alexis Nevarez, Joseph Santos. Investigation of Safety Influence Area For Four-legged Signalized Intersections: Nationwide Survey and Empirical Inquiry. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2083, pp. 86-95, 2008. (SCI, EI)
21. Xuesong Wang*, Mohamed Abdel-Aty. Modeling Left-Turn Crash Occurrence at Signalized Intersections by Conflicting Patterns. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 40, Issue 1. pp.76-88, 2008.(SSCI, EI)
22. Xuedong Yan, Mohamed Abdel-Aty*, Essam Radwan, Xuesong Wang, Praveen Chilakapati. Validating a driving simulator using surrogate safety measures. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2008, Volume 40. Issue 1. pp. 274-288, 2008. (SSCI, EI)
23. Xuesong Wang, Mohamed Abdel-Aty*. Right-Angle Crash Occurrence at Signalized Intersections. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2019, pp.156-168, 2007. (SCI, EI)
24. Xuesong Wang, Mohamed Abdel-Aty*. Temporal and Spatial Analyses of Rear-end Crashes at Signalized Intersections. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 38, issue 6, pp.1137-1150, 2006. (SSCI, EI)
25. Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Xuesong Wang*. Crash Estimation at Signalized Intersections along Corridors: Analyzing Spatial Effect and Identifying Significant Factors. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1953, pp.98-111, 2006. (SCI, EI)
26. Xuesong Wang*, Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Patrick Brady. Crash Estimation at Signalized Intersections: Significant Factors and Temporal Effect. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1953, pp. 10-20, 2006. (SCI, EI)
27. 王雪松,李飞虎. 基于驾驶模拟实验的眼部指标疲劳分级研究. 同济大学学报(自然科学版),第43卷,第1期,2015.(EI)
28. 王雪松,李佳,谢坤. 基于安全可提高空间的事故多发信控交叉口判别, 同济大学学报(自然科学版),2015.(EI)
29. 胥川,王雪松,张惠,陈小鸿.基于决策树的驾驶疲劳等级分析与判定.同济大学学报(自然科学版) ,第43卷,第1期,2015.(EI)
30. 王雪松,胥川.基于驾驶模拟的疲劳识别与车载预警设备有效性研究.交通信息与安全,第32卷,第5期, pp.83-87, 2014.
31. 王雪松,游世凯,陈铭.基于驾驶模拟器的驾驶人制动后制动踏板操作行为分析.交通信息与安全,第32卷,第5期, pp.30-35, 2014.
32. 王雪松,钟楚君,王婷.信控交叉口闯红灯行为特征分析.中国科技论文在线精品论文,第7卷,第12期, pp.1207-1212, 2014.
33. 胥川,王雪松,陈小鸿.无侵入测量指标的驾驶疲劳检测性能评估.西南交通大学学报,第49卷,第4期, pp.720-726, 2014.
34. 王婷,王雪松*.基于驾驶模拟技术的上海沿江隧道车道设计宽度分析.交通与运输,第2期, pp.19-21, 2014.
35. 王雪松,宋洋.基于贝叶斯负二项条件自回归模型的城市宏观安全分析.同济大学学报,第42卷,第8期, pp.1176-1180, 2014.
36. 谢坤*,王雪松.基于分层贝叶斯模型的信控交叉口安全分析.中国公路学报, 第27卷,第2期, pp. 90-97, 2014.
37. 王雪松*,宋洋,黄合来,张丹云.基于分层负二项模型的城郊公路安全影响因素研究.中国公路学报,第27卷,第1期, pp.100-107, 2014.
38. 王雪松*,游世凯.基于多项罗吉特模型的路网形态判别.同济大学学报,第42卷,第1期, pp.64-70, 2014.
39. 王雪松*,许逸伦,李伟楠.信号交叉口助动车违章特征与影响因素分析.城市交通,第11卷,第3期, pp.83-90, 2013.
40. 宋洋,王雪松*. 中小学生交通安全教育现状分析与改进策略研究.中国安全科学学报.第23卷,第2期, pp 153-158,2013.
41. 李伟楠,王雪松*.基于事故深度调查的城市交通事故特征分析.中国安全科学学报,第22卷,第12期, pp.90-96, 2012.
42. 王雪松*,方守恩,乔石,罗忆,王晟睿,李伟楠.中美两国道路交通事故信息采集技术比较研究.中国安全科学学报,第22卷,第10期, pp.79-87, 2012.
43. 王雪松*,陈铭,邓滨.城市主干道交通运行状况分析与影响因素研究.北京理工大学学报,第32期, pp.129-133, 2012.
44. 王雪松*,王丽.以交通工程专业需求为导向的交通统计分析教学改革.教育教学论坛,第30期, pp.99-100, 2012.
45. 王雪松*,谢琨,陈小鸿,王珂.考虑空间相关性的信控交叉口安全影响因素研究.同济大学学报,第40卷,第12期, pp.1814-1820, 2012.(EI)
46. 王雪松*,吴杏微,金昱.宏观交通安全建模研究.同济大学学报,第40卷,第11期,pp. 1627-1633, 2012.(EI)
47. 罗忆,王雪松*,张斌,王晟睿,陈小鸿.上海市道路交通事故地点表述方法研究.交通与运输,第7期, pp.168-172, 2012.
48. 邓蕙菁,王雪松*,谢琨.基于交通冲突技术的交叉口事故多发点判别及致因分析.武汉理工大学学报,第36卷,第2期, pp.370-373, 2012.
49. 王丽,王雪松,杨东援.考虑学校和年级差异的精细化小学生交通安全教育研究.交通信息与安全,第30卷,第1期, pp.103-110, 2012.
50. 高珍,王雪松,黄杰,王敏.大型主机系统管理人才培养模式的探索.计算机教育,第12期, pp.1-4, 2012.
51. 王雪松*,方守恩,乔石.中美道路交通事故信息采集对策与建议.道路交通管理,第7期, pp.51-53, 2012.
52. 张斌,王雪松*,罗忆.城市道路交通事故地点文字表述方法研究.中国安全科学学报,第22卷,第2期, pp.127-133, 2012.
53. 高悦尔,王雪松,陈小鸿*.幼儿交通安全教育及有效性研究.交通运输系统工程与信息,第12 卷,第1 期, pp.24-28, 2012.
54. 陈铭,王雪松*.城市主干路运行状况分析及影响因素研究.交通与运输,第12期, pp.20-24, 2011.
55. 谢琨,王雪松*,陈小鸿.基于经验贝叶斯的信控交叉口黑点判别研究.交通与运输,第12期, pp.173-176, 2011.
56. 邹伟*,王雪松,刘伟祥.基于WebService的公安交通综合管理服务请求平台设计.科技信息,第36期, pp.445-446, 2011.
57. 孙海浩*,毋妙丽,王雪松.浅谈交通工程学科的实验教学.实验科学与技术, 第06期, pp.123-126, 2011.
58. 石琦,王雪松*,杨东援,方守恩.中学生交通安全知识、态度、行为调查分析.中国安全科学学报,第12期, pp.143-152, 2011.
59. 王雪松*,石琦,高珍.基于视频数据的城市隧道交通运行特征与安全研究.中国安全科学学报,第21卷,第8期,pp.129-137, 2011.
60. 王雪松*,彭建.美国大都市区最新综合交通规划比较研究.国外城市规划,第27卷,第1期, pp.90-98, 2012.
61. 韩舒,王雪松*,方守恩,陈小鸿.基于动态交通分配的杭州湾跨海大桥紧急事件管理研究.同济大学学报.第39卷,第12期, pp.1805-1910, 2011.
62. 吴杏微,王雪松*,金昱.基于美国Florida州Orange县的宏观交通安全建模研究.合肥工业大学学报,第34卷,第12期, pp.1859-1864, 2011.
63. 许逸伦,王雪松*,杨东援.城市信号交叉口助动车违法行为特征分析.中国安全科学学报,第21卷,第10期, pp.43-51页, 2011.
64. 彭建,王雪松*.国际大都市区最新综合交通规划远景、目标、对策比较研究.城市规划学刊,第5期, pp.19-30, 2011.
65. 王雪松*,王丽,林仁鑫,杨东援.上海市小学生交通行为观测与统计分析.中国安全科学学报,第20卷,第12期, pp.122-129, 2010.
66. Rongjie Yu, Yingge Xiong, Mohamed Abdel-Aty, 2015. A Correlated Random Parameter Approach to Investigate the Effects of Weather Conditions on Crash Risk on Mountainous Freeway. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 50, 68-77. (SCI/EI)
67. Rongjie Yu, Mohamed Abdel-Aty, 2014. An Optimal Variable Speed Limits System to Ameliorate Traffic Safety Risk. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 46, 235-246. (SCI/EI)
68. Rongjie Yu and Mohamed Abdel-Aty, 2014. Analyzing crash injury severity for a mountainous freeway incorporating real-time traffic and weather data. Safety Science 63, 50-56. (SCI/EI)
69. Rongjie Yu and Mohamed Abdel-Aty, 2014. Using Hierarchical Bayesian Binary Probit Models to Analyze Crash Injury Severity on High Speed Facilities with Real-time Traffic Data. Accident Analysis & Prevention 62, 161-167. (SSCI/EI)
70. Rongjie Yu, Qi Shi, Mohamed Abdel-Aty, 2013. Feasibility of Incorporating Reliability Analysis in Traffic Safety Investigation. Transportation Research Record 2386, 35-41. (SCI/EI)
71. Jianjun Wu, Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Rongjie Yu*, and Ziyou Gao, 2013. A new visibility network approach for Freeway crash analysis. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technology 36, 72-82.  (SCI/EI) *通讯作者
72. Rongjie Yu and Mohamed Abdel-Aty, 2013. Multi-level Bayesian Analyses for Single- and Multi-Vehicle Freeway Crashes. Accident Analysis & Prevention 58, 97-105. (SSCI/EI)
73. Rongjie Yu and Mohamed Abdel-Aty, 2013. Investigating Different Approaches to Develop Informative Priors in Hierarchical Bayesian Safety Performance Functions. Accident Analysis & Prevention 56, 51-58. (SSCI/EI)
74. Rongjie Yu and Mohamed Abdel-Aty, 2013. Utilizing Support Vector Machine in Real-time Crash Risk Evaluation. Accident Analysis & Prevention 51, 252-259. (SSCI/EI)
75. Rongjie Yu, Mohamed Abdel-Aty, and Mohamed Ahmed, 2013. Bayesian Random Effect Models Incorporating Real-time Weather and Traffic Data to Investigate Mountainous Freeway Hazardous Factors. Accident Analysis & Prevention 50, 371-376. (SSCI/EI)
76. Rongjie Yu and Mohamed Abdel-Aty, 2013. Investigating the Different Characteristics of Weekday and Weekend Crashes. Journal of Safety Research 46, 91-97. (SSCI/EI)
77. Mohamed Ahmed, Mohamed Abdel-Aty, and Rongjie Yu, 2012. A Bayesian Updating Approach for Real-Time Safety Evaluation using AVI Data. Transportation Research Record 2280, 60-67. (SCI/EI)
78. Mohamed Ahmed, Mohamed Abdel-Aty, and Rongjie Yu, 2012. Assessment of the Interaction between Crash Occurrence, Mountainous Freeway Geometry, Real-Time Weather and AVI Traffic Data. Transportation Research Record 2280, 51-59. (SCI/EI)
79. Chai, C.*, Wong, Y. D., Wang, X. S., 2017. Safety evaluation of driver cognitive failures and driving errors on right-turn filtering movement at signalized road intersections based on Fuzzy Cellular Automata (FCA) model. Accident Analysis and Prevention 104, 156-164.
80. Chai, C.*, Shi, X.P., and Wong, Y.D., 2017. Estimating safety effects of Green-Man Countdown Devices (GMCD) at signalized pedestrian crosswalk based on Cellular Automata (CA). Journal of Advanced Transportation. Vol. 2017. ID: 8391325.
81. Chai, C.*, Wong, Y. D., Er, M. J., and Gwee, E. M. T., 2016. Fuzzy logic based observation and evaluation of pedestrians' behavioral patterns by age and gender. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 40, 104-118.
82. Chai, C. and Wong, Y. D.*, 2015. Fuzzy Cellular Automata (FCA) traffic models at signalized intersections. Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 30 (12), 951-964.
83. Chai, C.*, Wong, Y. D. and Lum, K. M., 2015. Safety impacts of Red-Light-Cameras at signalized intersections based on Cellular Automata. Traffic Injury Prevention, 16(4), 374-379.
84. Chai, C.* and Wong, Y. D., 2015. Comparison of Two Simulation Approaches to Safety Assessment: Cellular Automata and SSAM. ASCE: Journal of Transportation Engineering, 141 (6), 05015002.
85. Chai, C.*, Wong, Y. D., Er, M. J., and Gwee, E. M. T., 2015. Fuzzy Cellular Automata (FCA) traffic models for crowd dynamics at signalized pedestrian crossing. Transportation Research Record, 2490, 21-31.
86. Chai, C.* and Wong, Y. D., 2014. Micro-simulation of vehicle conflicts involving right-turn vehicles at signalised junctions based on Cellular Automata.” Accidents Analysis & Prevention, 64, 94-103.
87. Chai, C. and Wong, Y. D.*, 2014. Traffic performance of shared lanes at signalized intersections based on Cellular Automata modeling. Journal of Advanced Transportation 48(8), 1051-1065.

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